While speaking with a client in Langley the other day, it came to my attention how much pressure there is to write a “subject free” offer. As a Mortgage Professional, this is the number one question I get asked: “I’m already pre-approved, so I don’t need “subject to financing” in my offer, right?” – well, no! Sometimes, but not always!

There are buyers, or potential buyers, that I would classify as “low risk” or in “low risk situations”. This is best determined by reading the infographic above to discover if you have all of the keys in place to ensure a successful plan. Without the proper measures put in place, there is direct risk to you and your assets. It’s not just a matter of losing your contract deposit if you can’t close – you can, in some cases, be held personally liable (read: sued) and nobody wants that!

So, let’s get prepared!

Call me! 604.833.8938

Email me! rebecca@customcoastmortgages.com

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